Planes Of Reality - Multidimensional Universe
There are distinctive planes of reality. The physical plane is the first. Whatever is left of alternate planes past it are viewed as the mental plane all in all.
Of every one of the seven conditions of matter, the most elevated state is thought wave. Thought wave is the mental plane of reality. It is the all inclusive plane that is made up simply of thought or mindstuff.
The mental plane has numerous levels. They contrast regarding vibrational rate starting with one level then onto the next. The better the vibration, the higher the plane. It is not entirely higher in position but rather inward in measurement. The mental plane of reality starts with the second plane after the physical and onwards.
The second plane of reality inside the physical plane is the etheric plane. Everything in the physical plane exists together in physical and etheric state. Your body exists all the while as strong and thought wave. You exist together in the first and 6th condition of matter. An electron exist at the same time as a molecule and a wave.
Two things can't involve the same space unless they are of various space densities. The physical and etheric plane can exist together in the same space-time since they are out of stage with each other. Be that as it may, the space-time of the physical and etheric planes are in a state of harmony with each other.
In an OBE or Out of Body Experience, you body is sleeping while your awareness moves out of it. You exist as an etheric or vitality body. In that express, your cognizance is out of stage with the physical and is in stage with the etheric. You see the physical plane and everything around you in its etheric state.
When you were alert, there was a seat alongside you. Presently when you are in an out of body experience, you won't see the seat existing in a physical state in the physical plane yet you will see the seat existing in an etheric state. Whatever remains of the physical plane now exist in etheric state to you.
You are currently in an etheric twofold and will have the capacity to see your different physical body in the etheric state on your bed. You are associated with your physical body with a meager silver rope that keeps it alive. It is unbreakable aside from on death.
Other individuals who are alert in the physical plane and strolling around in their physical bodies can't see you in your etheric body however you can see them in their etheric bodies. Their etheric bodies show up as the mental self view that they have of their own physical bodies. A man in the physical plane may look fatter in his etheric or vitality body in the event that he is always considering himself being fatter than he physically is. The same is valid in the event that he think he is more slender, shorter/taller, better/more regrettable looking.
In the etheric plane, there might be sure things that don't exist in the physical plane. That is on the grounds that your creative ability makes them in the etheric plane. You need certain observing capacity to tell whether something is an etheric condition of an item in the physical plane or an etheric object made by your creative ability. You can likewise see heavenly attendants and fallen holy messengers in the etheric plane on the off chance that they happen to be around and make themselves unmistakable to you.
Hold your hand before you and envision a glass show up on it. Other individuals may see nothing in your grasp except for in the etheric plane, it shows up as genuine as it would in the physical plane. A heavenly attendant or out of body individual going by will see the container in your grasp and can even feel it. They can actually see your idea projections. The same is genuine when you are in the etheric plane and somebody is doing that in the physical plane.
The third plane is the astral plane. The astral plane rises above the etheric plane since it doesn't exist in physical reality by any stretch of the imagination. It is the spot where individuals follow passing or when they are astral voyaging.
You get the opportunity to meet other individuals or magnificent creatures existing on that plane. The world you encounter around you in the astral plane is altogether thought made. What you see will be the consequence of what you and the general population around you are envisioning it to be. Thus there are a wide range of levels, places and measurements in the astral plane.
The astral plane may likewise be called paradise and hellfire. The lower astral planes are the place individuals with negative energies, for example, blame, disgrace, judgment are bound to. They encounter a wide range of horrendous things and sufferings in a plane of disorder and torment. The higher astral planes are the place individuals with positive energies, for example, interminable life, affection, delight and peace live together with each other.
Amid a NDE or Near Death Experience, some individuals see themselves leave their bodies and blessed messengers descend and take them up to paradise. Others see a passage of light and go through to the next side. Still there are those that show up within the sight of Jesus Christ the following minute. These are the constructive sorts of NDE, obviously there are antagonistic sorts too where individuals have appalling encounters as though they were entering hellfire.
Toward the end of their NDE, they are informed that their time is not up and ought to come back to the place where there is the living or they feel a power pulling them back to their physical bodies.
The motivation behind why individuals have distinctive NDE is on account of they expect various types of experience after death. God permits them to have the sort of experience they hope to have when they go from Earth to Heaven. It doesn't make a difference how they move since they will at present wind up in the astral plane at any rate.
The astral plane can be thought to be an aggregate dream plane where individuals cooperate with each other in a dream land.
Typical low level envisioning happens in the fantasy plane which is at the most reduced level of the Energy continuum, just beneath the human aggregate cognizance and in the range of individual awareness or the mind. Here the intuitive personality will make its own astral ether, frequently based after waking contemplations and specifically, the last musings of the brain before floating off to rest. That is the reason it is critical to take positive and amicable considerations to lay down with you.
The distinction between the fantasy plane from the etheric and astral planes is that of shared reality. In the fantasy plane, nobody else encounters what you are envisioning specifically. In any case, in the etheric and astral planes, you encounter a mutual reality with different creatures existing in them. Whenever two or more individuals experience a mutual dream, they are really associating with each other amid OBE or astral travel.
It is feasible for others to impact your fantasies through clairvoyant impact. Creatures from the astral planes, for example, friends and family who has gone on can likewise enter your fantasies to speak with you.
The forward plane is the mental plane. The mental plane is the spot where your creative energy dwells. This is the place you draw motivation and thoughts from. An imagined that you have, initially started from the mental plane inside you. It then passes outwards to the astral plane and afterward to the etheric plane lastly to the physical plane of your presence. Things in your creative energy will influence the physical plane.
The mental plane is an astounding measurement! Luminous streams of sound limited by rainbow shores of throbbing light. Contemplations show up as vivid examples of light and sound. You stroll crosswise over fields of thoughts under a shimmering precious stone sky of motivation. On the off chance that you enter this world don't attempt to justify or comprehend it, or you may go distraught, for it is outside human ability to comprehend. Simply acknowledge everything, accept circumstances for what they are and appreciate it!
Exist here in wondrous shock. Let free the kid inside you to play in this pixie wonderland. Everything feels genuine and strong. Time is much further bended here than in the astral and the truth is colorful. The astral plane is the lower paradise and the mental plane is the higher paradise. The astral plane is the place the spirit exist, the mental plane is the place the soul exist.
The fifth plane is the heavenly plane. It is the plane where the celestial chain of command exist. From the seven chief heavenly messengers, seraphs, seraphs and all the saintly has of God's superb kingdom. It is a plane brimming with the greatness of God and the might of his energy.
The 6th plane is the grandiose plane. Here is the place everybody is in the most celebrated structure, brilliant, sparkling splendid, immaculate splendor, astonishing and shining. It is the most lovely and best condition of presence. Everybody connects with the best bliss and the most astounding affection with each other. You can feel the nearness of God as a substantial all swarming power. Time stands completely still here. The truth is more genuine and strong than typical reality. Contrasted with this, the physical world is an ambiguous, tired dream brimming with half dead individuals.
The seventh plane is the heavenly plane or The Source. It is the most noteworthy mental plane which is the plane of unadulterated Spirit or immaculate Mind. It is the state where all things eventually exist as. Unadulterated cognizance, immaculate vitality. Impression of structure does not exist and does not have to exist. You are unified with everything and everybody, there is no partition.
In this plane, you are unified with God. Your Spirit is unified with the Universal Spirit. Your brain is incorporated but separated with the Universal Mind. A condition of aggregate, flawless and interminable happiness.
It isn't important to encounter endless life just on the mental plane. When we are in our new celebrated bodies, we can change our vibration voluntarily. We can go through dividers, show up and vanish, fly in all levels of reality whether physical or mental.
To experience and move over all planes of reality in cycles is the most awesome approach to experience Heaven for all Eternity.
Since all levels of the mental plane are made absolutely of thought wave and the physical plane is a buildup of thought wave, you can say that the physical world is essentially a fantasy world in a more dense structure. So we are living in a fantasy at this moment and we stir out of the physical plane at whatever point we move into the following one.